Improve Girls' Education in Ethiopia


This project empowers poor girl and their families resides in remotes areas of Ethiopia. In Ethiopia girl school enrollment rate vary law especially in rural. The root causes are: economic and deep-rooted harmful traditions and value. Owing the problem, MHO is uniquely prepared to help poor girl and families to get rid of such Problems through the provision of educational material, accommodation/transport, and female hygiene and by helping poor girl families economically and mentor scheme


Denial of rights to Girl education is continues serious problem in Ethiopia. Community at large believes educating girls is of no use. They think girls are born to serve the household, support mothers at home & be good wife. Parents want their daughter to be engaged in household routines and activities. Want their daughters to be married because during their marriage gifts, money & grants can be obtained which can upgrade the families' income. All these affected girls not to freely go to school


MHO is uniquely prepared to empower girl children education by providing education support, female hygiene, noon-meal & transportation subsidies to underprivileged girl .They also receive reproductive health education and mentor scheme. MHO also empowers poor girl families economically because Women's empowerment is positively associated with girl children's wellbeing, most notably with nutrition and education outcomes. On top of this MHO will establish girl club in school for collective action.


Apart from increasing poor girl enrollment in school and alleviating girl multiple burdens of household chores, this project enhance overall educational status of poor girls and the situation of their parents .Since poor girl families' empowerment is positively associated with girl children's wellbeing, This project will also bring nutrition, health-related knowledge of the household, and education outcomes.

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