Prevent GBV & Female Genital Mutilation in Ethiopia


Despite progress in the last decade in the reduction of FGM prevalence among girls & women aged 15-49 from 74 per cent in 2005 to 65 per cent in 2016. However, UNFPA and UNICEF reported Ethiopia is still home to 25 million circumcised women & girls. Similarly women & girls continue to face an increased SGBV due to multiple and interlinked crises in Ethiopia. MHO is aims to fight against GBV and FGM in Ethiopia, which causes girls a lifetime of pain and physical and emotional trauma


Although GBV is rampant throughout East Africa; the prevalence of GBV in Ethiopia remains one of the highest in the world. 16,698 GBV survivors received/ were referred for medical care in Ethiopia in 2021, & the majority of survivors were women &girls. The actual number of GBV cases is likely to be higher, as underreporting of GBV cases is largely due to stigma, shame& disruption of health services. Conflict and drought in Ethiopia have significantly increased the risk of GBV


Conflicts and drought in various parts of Ethiopia have led to an increase in the number of people in need of GBV services from 3.5 million in 2021 to 6.7 million in 2023 in affected areas, according to new data from the Relief web. Donation provides essential post-rape care services, medical and health care, trauma care, referral services, counseling, psychosocial support, GBV case management, legal aid & economic empowerment to SGBV survivors and rape victims while conducting advocacy awareness


The project increases access essential post-rape care & goods services they need and are entitled to, Will address barriers to, accessibility a survivor-centered response by establishes multipurpose SGBV survivors &rape victims center. Will also improves the quality of life of survivors and victims' by improving their by improving their economy, health, interpersonal relations, and coping capacities and empowering them to make their own choices, become independent, manage their lives and thrive

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